Sunday, April 25, 2010

My First Necklace!!!

I made this necklace for my sister's birthday!  

She loved it (after receiving it a week late since the post office wouldn't leave it at her leasing office when it wouldn't fit into her mailbox!!!)  
Oh well...she was excited when she finally got the package!

I just LOVE the beads that I used!  
They are "Bead Gallery" beads, and I found them at Michael's after what seemed like forever...I was overwhelmed at all of the choices that they displayed! 
My mom finally spotted the large bead to go with the smaller round ones.

So, I had NO IDEA how to even start a necklace...but I figured it couldn't be too far from the basics of making earrings.  I was doing alright until I had to figure out how to put the chain was difficult wrapping the wire through the rings of the chain....3 hours later........haha....but it was worth it!  

I wanted to make the clasp area in the back a little more exciting, so I added one of the smaller round beads.  I think it looks really nice!

I also made some Earrings to match....

I can't wait to make some more!!!!


What do you think?

I have a new post divider!!  What do you think?? 


Saturday, April 17, 2010

A New Card!!!

Here is the latest card that I made for my grandmother's 89th Birthday!!!  

Of course, I used my awesome 

Here is how I made the card:

I started out the same way that I have started out on all of my cards.  I set the size dial to 6" and using the Cricut Plantin SchoolBook CartridgeI pressed the card button.  
I would use a larger number, but that is the biggest size that it will cut on my machine.  I like to work with the bigger cards because I have more room to put cute details on them.

Next, I used the same Latte Stack that I have been using for all of my cards so far.  I cut out a 6" rectangle using the beautiful pattern you see on the front of the card. 
There are so many great options in this stack. 

I like the look of the Tall Ball function with the letters, 
so I used that at 1" for "happy birthday"

Behind the "happy birthday" greeting, I cut out a couple of tags (sorry I don't remember the size) and used a decorative pair of scissors to cut around them. 

I used the Cricut Serenade Solutions Cartridge to cut out the butterfly and the scroll.  I played with the layer function and I think that it worked out well!

This is my favorite card that I have made so far! 