Saturday, April 17, 2010

A New Card!!!

Here is the latest card that I made for my grandmother's 89th Birthday!!!  

Of course, I used my awesome 

Here is how I made the card:

I started out the same way that I have started out on all of my cards.  I set the size dial to 6" and using the Cricut Plantin SchoolBook CartridgeI pressed the card button.  
I would use a larger number, but that is the biggest size that it will cut on my machine.  I like to work with the bigger cards because I have more room to put cute details on them.

Next, I used the same Latte Stack that I have been using for all of my cards so far.  I cut out a 6" rectangle using the beautiful pattern you see on the front of the card. 
There are so many great options in this stack. 

I like the look of the Tall Ball function with the letters, 
so I used that at 1" for "happy birthday"

Behind the "happy birthday" greeting, I cut out a couple of tags (sorry I don't remember the size) and used a decorative pair of scissors to cut around them. 

I used the Cricut Serenade Solutions Cartridge to cut out the butterfly and the scroll.  I played with the layer function and I think that it worked out well!

This is my favorite card that I have made so far! 

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful... keep creating and follow your wildest dreams in this thing... develop it and nurture it!
